• Product and Technology

Twitter Dev Nest - Don't Forget The Rest of the World

Terence Eden
Terence Eden
5 min read
Posted on August 10, 2011
Twitter Dev Nest - Don't Forget The Rest of the World

Last week, the InMobi team (well... just me...) went to Twitter DevNest in London. It was great to meet so many interesting Twitter developers - and to hear on the interesting things they're doing. While there, I gave a presentation urging developers to look beyond UK/USA for revenues. By looking at some of the popular Twitter apps and websites which run our advertising, I aimed to show that there are great revenue opportunities all over the world - Indonesia, South Africa, Venezuela.

Dev Nest Presentation - Terence Eden
View more presentations from InMobi

The main thing to remember is to internationalise and translate your sites and apps - Android has a great i18n framework as does the iPhone. Then submit your apps to local app stores. Remember - your customers are global; make sure your app or site works for them.

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