• Consumer Research

Connected Devices are Transforming Shopping and Media Habits

Taimour Azizuddin
Taimour Azizuddin
5 min read
Posted on June 28, 2012
Connected Devices are Transforming Shopping and Media Habits

Over the past year penetration of connected devices has been increasing around the world. To better understand the impact of the changing device landscape on consumer behavior, Mobext and InMobi conducted a research study, The Role of Connected Devices in the Consumer Sales Journey, in 7 markets around the world. The US results, released this morning, uncover behavioral shifts around consumer shopping and media habits:

  • Media consumption is increasingly digital: time spent on media tends to increase after purchase of a connected device, and about a third of these users report spending less time consuming print media and surfing the Internet on PC's after purchasing their device
  • Usage habits differ for each device: smartphones are always-on constant companions, tablets tend to be used at home throughout the evening, and PCs are preferred for business communication
  • Tablet users are frequent on-device shoppers: over half shop on their device, and 22% shop less in brick and mortar stores after purchasing their device

This infographic shows device usage throughout the purchase process at home, at work, and on the go. When out of home, smartphones are the preferred device to use throughout the funnel; at home, however, tablets and PC's are preferred:

For more detailed findings, view our our press release. We are continuing our research in this area, and have findings on additional markets coming out soon!

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