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#FactOrFiction: Busting myths in mobile gaming

Aksha Kini
Aksha Kini
5 min read
Posted on December 19, 2014
#FactOrFiction: Busting myths in mobile gaming

Do only big budget games get featured on the AppStore? Is an iOS-first launch absolutely imperative to a game’s success? Do all successful games launch their trailers months in advance? There’s only one way to find out.

Join the InMobi team as we try to separate fact from fiction in the world of mobile games.

Every week, we’ll take one prevalent myth in the mobile gaming world, and pull it apart piece by piece. Our experts will do everything it takes (fires, wrecks, bloodshed etc) to unveil the truth behind the myths.

If you have any myths that need some busting:

  1. Tweet to us, and mention @InMobi
  1. Post them on our Facebook page

And don’t forget to add #FactOrFiction to your tweets and posts.

After all, we’re doing this only for your game’s success.

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Until next week, then!

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