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Event Diary: Primetime Spots on Primary Screens

Team InMobi
Team InMobi
5 min read
Posted on April 17, 2017
Event Diary: Primetime Spots on Primary Screens

InMobi regularly participates in and contributes to a series of events, meetups, webinars, sharing best practices with partners and thought leaders, across the globe. In this edition of the InMobi Event Diary, we are looking at the highlights and developments from “Primetime Sports on Primary Screens”, an event organized by WPP Stream Indonesia.

WPP, Stream Indonesia, is one of the world's leading technology conferences that brings together 200 leaders to discuss and debate what sets Indonesia apart, why the conditions are so attractive for brand-building, and what the future holds for one of the world’s most rapidly advancing economies.

InMobi’s Indonesia team had the opportunity to share our findings on mobile becoming a primary screen of choice, the rise of mobile video advertising, and best practices for creating mobile-first video ads. Here were the 4 key takeaways from the discussion:

1. TV is slowly becoming obsolete

The rise of video streaming players such as Netflix and Hotstar is changing the way people, especially millennials, are consuming video content. By empowering users to consume content on their own time in their own way, video streaming is slowly making TV redundant.

2. Mobile is becoming the new TV

In Indonesia, one of the top 5 uses of smartphones is watching videos. Additionally, online video streaming, mainly accessed by millennials, contributes the biggest portion of mobile data usage.

It is clear mobile devices are fast becoming the first screens of choice for millennials - mobile’s always-on capability coupled with its ability to provide an immersive experience, truly makes it a millennial’s best friend. The portability of mobile, access to 4G & falling data prices are also making mobile a powerful medium of consumption.

3. Think beyond gaming for mobile advertising

Publishers across categories such as entertainment, social, retail are adopting video advertising as it provides a huge opportunity to improve engagement, unlock scale and drive conversion. With streaming content grabbing the most eyeballs, video ads blend seamlessly with the content giving users a consistent user experience.

4. Mobile-first videos are the way to go

Tailoring video content for mobile is key to fully leveraging the mobile video ad platform. Making your mobile video ad interactive, short and most importantly mobile-first is the way to capture the attention of your mobile obsessed millennial audience

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